Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Who are you?
We are residents of Happisburgh who want to use their local knowledge and individual skill sets to better inform local decision policies.
What are you trying to acheive?
We are trying to partner with all official bodies that have a responsibility for the maintenance of the beach and coastal communities to better understand the problems of erosion and flooding.
By this we hope to find solutions that serve all parties better than is happening at the moment.
Are you in competition with other campaigning groups who want sea defences?
No, while our approach is for natural, sustainable solutions that we believe are acheivable we respect those who wish to continue to challenge local and central government policy. Our goal is the same; to help beleagured communities, particularly Happisburgh to have more time to adapt to the challenges of erosion and flooding.
Can anyone join your group?
Yes everyone is welcome whether you have a specific skills set or not. Or if you just want to support us then subscribe to our newletter.
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